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Blog ini berisi Tools, indicator, Info2 yang penting untuk seorang trader forex,
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Minggu, 29 November 2015

Cara Efektif Trading Forex dengan News

Mengingat begitu besarnya pengaruh News dalam trading forex, perlu anda
ketahui beberapa langkah yang lazim dipergunakan oleh para trader 
master analisa fundamental
1. Bukalah web forex yang terdapat kalender ekonomi internasional, yang biasa digunakan seperti forexfactory.com , dailyfx.com/calendar atau investing.com.
2. Lihat tanggal hari ini dari masing-masing kalender ekonomi tersebut, dan cocokkan. (Jam Waktunya juga jangan salah! Default jam mereka adalah jam Waktu New York di Amerika Serikat, yang dimana berbeda sekitar 11-12 jam lebih lambat dari jam WIB atau GMT+7 di Indonesia).
Jika anda salah membaca jam, maka hal ini bisa berakibat Fatal, karena jadwal jam trading anda bisa salah semua pembacaannya.
3. Lihat di berita yang ingin anda tradekan mata uangnya, Contoh: berita UK (united kingdom) adalah untuk mata uang GBP (GBP/USD), ataupun berita Amerika/US untuk semua pair yang berhubungan dengan USD (GBP/USD, EUR/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, dll).
Sebaiknya Hindari trade dengan mata uang Cross Rate dalam penerapan teknik ini.
4. Pilih berita yang High Impact saja , yang ditandai dengan warna Merah ataupun yang Bertanda Seru, sesuai dengan mata uang yang ingin anda tradekan tersebut.
PERHATIAN ! minimum di 2 web tersebut harus confirm High Impact semua (warna merah atau tanda seru 3x), karena kalau tidak, maka jangan trade di jam berita tersebut. Paling bagus kalau ketiga web berita tadi adalah confirm semuanya High.
5. Cocokkan berita High Impact dari ketiga kalender ekonomi tersebut, apakah memiliki nilai Forecast yang sama atau tidak. Bila nilai forecastnya berbeda, dalam artian saling bertolak belakang, maka hindari trade di berita itu. Tetapi bila nilai forecastnya arahnya sama atau kurang lebih (arah direksi perkiraannya sama) maka boleh memilih di berita itu.
Bila ingin DIPAKSAKAN Trade juga boleh sebenarnya, hanya saja biasanya lebih tidak maksimal, dan juga semuanya bergantung pula pada hasil Actualnya nanti bagaimana.
6. Bila di salah satu situs tidak mencantumkan berita tersebut, maka juga jangan trade di saat itu.
7. Amati kolom Actual, Forecast dan Previousnya
Forecast itu artinya perkiraan hasil berita, Previous itu adalah hasil dari berita tersebut di periode sebelumnya
8. Periksa pula, apakah ada berita lain di jam yang sama (atau berdekatan) untuk mata uang tersebut, dan apakah hasil forecastnya saling bertolak belakang atau tidak antara berita yang satu dengan yang lainnya? jika bertolak belakang, maka harap Waspada dengan berita-berita yang jamnya berdekatan tersebut.
Sedikit banyak anda juga harus tahu Arti Berita Ekonomi dalam Analisa Fundamental, silahkan dibaca.
9. Kalau semua indikator cek list diatas telah valid semua, maka tunggulah hingga berita tersebut diumumkan di jam rilisnya.
Anda boleh memantau berita tersebut melalui layanan TV langganan seperti di Bloomberg, Reuters, ataupun CNBC
10. Setelah berita keluar, maka refreshlah kalender ekonomi tersebut di masing-masing situs untuk memunculkan nilai-nilai Actual nya.
Jika hasil berita tersebut tidak ada nilai actualnya maka jangan trade
11. Perbandingkan hasil Actual vs Forecast vs Previousnya tersebut. Bila nilai Actualnya KELUAR DARI BATAS ANTARA nilai Forecast dan Previousnya maka boleh dilanjutkan untuk memulai trading di berita tersebut.
12. Jika hasil actualnya lebih bagus dari forecast dan previousnya (ditandai dengan warna hijau) , maka biasanya nilai mata uang tersebut akan menguat, demikian juga dengan sebaliknya, akan melemah.
13. Periksa pula apakah ada berita lain (untuk mata uang tersebut) di jam yang sama atau yang berdekatan waktunya, yang hasil actualnya saling bertolak belakang dengan berita tadi?
Bila ada, maka jangan trade dahulu di jam tersebut, karena pergerakannya berkemungkinan besar akan Zig Zag atau tidak terduga.
14. Bila sudah Valid semua maka anda boleh trade, TAPI jangan langsung Open Posisi di saat berita diumumkan, tetapi tunggulah beberapa menit kemudian barulah OP.
Karena jika anda OP langsung di saat menit berita diumumkan maka seringkali pergerakan pertamanya itu pergerakan yang semu dan menipu, dan selain itu order anda juga pasti akan susah masuk akibat dari faktor market busy ataupun quota demand / supplynya tidak tersedia di market.
15. Selalu kontrollah Money Management atau Risk Management nya, karena hal ini adalah kunci sukses anda bertrading. (gunakan Risk 3% , atau paling max 5%)
16. TP dan SL haruslah seimbang, atau TP lebih besar dari SL itu lebih baik. Dan TP/SL sebaiknya diatas 30 pips sampai 100 pips, atau kalau di broker yang bersistem 5 digit maka TP dan SL nya adalah diatas 300 sampai 1000 pips. (risk rewardnya harus sebanding). Jangan trade tanpa SL atau bermain tahan menahan floating, karena beresiko sekali.
17. Anda boleh juga menambahkan Trailing Stops 20 pips (atau 200 pips untuk broker 5 digit) dalam menerapkan teknik ini.
18. Jangan menggunakan pending order seperti Buy Stop/Sell Stop yang terlalu dekat (atau teknik trapping atau jebakan) dalam menggunakan teknik ini, karena beresiko untuk slippage atau harga meleset.
19. Saat Mendekati hari libur seperti menjelang Natal dan Tahun Baru (Desember / Januari), WAJIB HATI HATI, karena di bulan tersebut kecendrungan pasar sangat sulit diprediksi.
Selamat berlatih !!
source : dasarfrex.com

Kamis, 19 November 2015


Dear traders,

Over the past decade Forex trading has gained high popularity and this has its natural impact on the creation and development of hundreds of brokerage companies. Therefore, to make a right decision and start to collaborate with the broker you find exactly suitable for you is quite difficult. Each of those brokers tries to work out certain methods and new approaches of trading to attract you making you its regular and constant client. In order to avoid nightmares and stressful situations, we’ll help you understand and appreciate the features a reliable broker should possess.
How to Find Reliable Forex Broker
In your research you will find Forex and CFD brokers that are highly reputable and well regulated and those that are in the red and try to hide their debts from clients and investors.  Now would you agree that a considerably long time should be devoted to finding a reliable business partner that will support your trading aspirations? Before starting to trade and putting your money into practice, take your time to find a broker, which you can absolutely trust.
Firstly, you can choose at least three brokers whom you think to be appropriate and estimate each of their potential finding out whether they meet your requirements or not.  After that you focus your attention on one candidate you can start by depositing a little sum of money and open small trading positions. Never hurry and make immediate decisions. Note that you can always find better trading opportunities.
What is the most important factor? Surely, whatever you should consider is to have your fund invested in safe hands.  There exist four factors you should examine to be sure your money is secured: Location, Regulation, Reputation, and Funding.
If your broker is located in some major country with well-developed financial regulation, you can feel secure that even if problems arise the legal infrastructure can often help you recover your funds.  Be sure to check the company location at least twice even if the address mentioned seems to be reputable. Note that it’s a daunting task to protect your legal rights in a foreign country.
The broker’s regulation is also of vital importance. This is the second signal of security. Cooperating with a broker who has failed to register with a regulatory agency does not guarantee that your trading funds are safe.
Another point not less important is the reputation of broker. You can follow the comments and reviews about different brokers. The clients of this or that broker may have written about their own experience, difficulties or problems e.g. in withdrawing their funds. If you see evidence of such problems do not waste your time on working with such company.  Find the one that is free of complaints and provides its clients with high-quality service.
Reliable broker should be well funded, have financial security, as you can feel your fund secure. You can find information about this on the company’s website tabs like ”About us”. When dealing with a broker safety and soundness are key factors.
Once you have chosen your broker and started trading it’s not late to become sure whether you work with an adequate broker. You should draw your attention to the following features:
  1. Always check whether you can trade on Demo account. If the company doesn’t provide you with this service do not even think about opening an account and continuing the partnership.
  2. Understand and analyze the trading platform. Make sure that the terminal is visually pleasing, easy to use and offers a wide range of analysis tools.
  3. Good brokers are in regular contact with their clients. They should call their clients not only in case if any problems but also to inquire about their trade in general. They should discuss with you the overall finances at least twice a year. And usually if you do not hear from your broker once a month, it’s high time you found another advisor. Similarly, if you have sent a request to your broker and haven’t got a reply within a few hours or within a day, you better find an alternate broker.
  4. They should keep you informed of any news in the market, give advice and explain the pros and cons of each transaction. Ask all the questions you are interested in: How much leverage can you take? What is the commission? How low are the spreads? If you do not get any satisfactory reply just find another advisor.
Good broker isn’t something to be easily found; nevertheless, it is not something celestial as well. Try your hard and enjoy the benefits of your work, conversely you will also appear among those traders who complain from trading conditions.
source : pipburner.com


Dear Traders,
There are a lot of misconceptions about Forex brokers and the manner in which they work. While some feel that they make their money via commissions, many will argue that their Forex broker does not charge a commission. There are other aspects of a Forex broker that you should be aware of in order to be able to demand which basic services you will be getting from your Forex broker. Here are the few things you need to know.



A Forex brokerage firm is not a charitable organization and therefore they do need to make money. There are no grants paid to them by any global Forex trading industry to help new comers learn the tricks of the trade. They make their profits on the basis of the spread that is offered. The spread is the difference between the selling price and the asking prices of a particular currency. Across various clients, the Forex brokers make their money by ensuring that they sell the currency at a higher price than the price at which they will buy it back from their client. Spreads are measured in the form of pips and a pip is generally calculated to the fourth decimal place. So if the buying and selling rates are 1.9456 and 1.9459, the spread offered is that of 3 pips.


Many times you will see Forex brokers claiming that they operate under the aegis of a large financial organization or a bank. This is a positive fact in favor of the Forex broker since a Forex broker needs to have a solid capital base in order to assure clients that it will not become insolvent.


Since the trader is likely to do everything with regards to trading on the Forex trading platform, the platform that the broker offers is another important thing that you need to know about. Check if the trading platform allows you to trade in stocks and commodities too. You should also be allowed to check out the platform for a period of at least a month before you make your final decision to trade in the Forex markets with that broker. This is the market norm and therefore you should demand it too.


The Forex markets are open 24/7. And different people trade at different times of the day depending on the specific Forex markets that are open, availability of time and overlaps of Forex trading time zones. A Forex broker should have the customer service available through chat, skype or phone at all times of the day and night from Monday when the markets open to Friday till markets close.


Without leverage you will only be able to invest the amount of money that you have in your account. With the facility of leverage you can trade for higher amounts of money. However, a high leverage is not always a great thing and this benefit should be used judiciously by the trader at all times.
This article has been submitted by Daily Forex


Dear traders,
I’m used to answering almost every single day to my clients why they shouldn’t trade during the holidays like Christmas and New Year, Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day. I can proceed according to the list but basically those are major US, UK, Germany and Australia holidays. Today I’m going to clarify the situation regarding all these holidays and try to answer the question: “Is it worth trading during the currency market holidays?”
Avoid trading during forex market holidays
Let’s take an example. Do you remember your Christmas holidays last year? I hope you had a great time with your family.
Am I right, if I say that most of us want to relax or recharge ourselves during Christmas holidays? I guess, yes. The same situation is on Forex market. It has to be recharged as well.
I will never advise you to trade on live account from 24th of December till 10th of January or during other holidays. And here are my 5 crucial reasons to stay away from trading during Forex market holidays:


The main reason of low market liquidity is a small interest of “Forex lions” (hedge funds, market leaders, banks) in selling or buying the currencies during the holidays. These “Forex lions” know their business and prefer to lay on the beach with the glass of Martini and cigar rather than staring in their PCs. They give us a hint – do not trade.


The evidence of low volatility is a shrinking of currency pairs’ swings during the day. As I mentioned before, top Forex players are out of game. That means no one can produce a sizable interest in some particular currency pair. The result –ranging market. So, there is no possibility to make a decent profit.


It is well-known that Forex brokers are used to raising the spread during the bank holidays. It happens due to low liquidity and as a result – small amount of bid and ask propositions.
It is not possible to indicate the exact date when the broker is going to raise the spread. So, do not forget to check the spread before entering the trade, if you don’t want to pay extra commission to your broker. Furthermore, read the article on how to choose the right Forex broker.
Spread decreasing to ordinary market indexes can be counted as the ending sign of the holiday trading period.


Due to low market liquidity and volatility, the price can move unpredictably. It may swing in 15 pips range the whole day or rise dramatically in a minute. There will be no chance for you as an ordinary trader to react to those market movements. By the way, do not use your trading strategies or automated expert advisors too.
As a Forex software developer, I can say that most of the Forex systems are programmed to follow strict rules based on technical indicators or what so ever. During holidays, market can mislead the sophisticated algorithm of your top reliable Forex expert advisor that may cause huge losses for you.


Have you ever heard that overtime work and emotional burden can harm your health? So, holidays are the great chance for you to relax or take a deep breath of fresh air before continuing your long run.
Holiday Forex trading is not the best activity for such days. Better to play with your children in the garden or visit mother-in-law than trying to follow EUR/USD trend at 21:00h on December, 25th.
P.S.: Have you ever tried to trade during the holidays? How profitable was your trading?
Source: pipburner.com

Senin, 16 November 2015

Very simple trading method

Hi Fellow traders, as promised, let me share a method of day trading that I use.
It is not my method, it was taught to me, and now I will teach it to you. Its a very simple method and does not require any analysis of the market, although it is helpful to see the previous days candle close for general trade direction. It is also helpful to mark off your closest daily levels of support and resistances with horizontal lines on your chart.
So, we need to place two moving averages on our charts – please colour them differently.
Settings: Simple moving average applied to “typical price” period 6, shift 0
Second one is period 6, shift 1
These two averages combined is what price “rides” upon. Henceforth, I will call these two averages “the ribbon.”
Basically we are looking for price to break the ribbon, and have our two moving averages cross each other. Then we look to see if there is separation of the two averages – If so we initiate our buy/sell.
Use any time frame you like. I prefer 15min as I can get 1-2 trades per session on a particular pair. The higher time frames will give you more reliable signals and of course bigger profit targets.
I do 1:1, or 1:2 trades. Lower time frames its better to take 1:1 unless you have reason to believe that you are about to ride a big move.
Do not trade a big candle that breaks the ribbon.
It may seem too simplistic – and it is, but this will put many many pips into your pockets.
Only use this method from London open to NYT close. You can trade in the Asian session, but sometimes its more exciting to watch paint dry on a wall :)
Please refer to the chart examples for how this method works, and please let me know if you have questions.

Minggu, 15 November 2015

Peluang trading (Trade setup) 16 ~ 20 Nov 2015


Harga  tertahan MA200, jka tidak tertembus kemungkinan harga akan turun dengan target 0.94000. SELL limit di 0.95400 SL di 0.9590. 

     Harga bertahan diatas MA50 dan MA200, BUY 1.08620 SL di 1.08300

3.    AUDUSD

Haga  membentuk doji dan tertahan di MA20, SELL SL di 0.71700

   4.   GBPCAD

BUY hanya jika breakout Resistant


BUY hanya jika breakout resistan

6.     GBPUSD

Candle terakhir membentuk Pin Bar, so wait n see di candle berikutnya untuk konfirmasi.

7.     USDCAD

BUY hanya jika Breakout Resistan.

8.     AUDCHF

BUY di 0.71628 SL di 0.71000

Demikian peluang trading untuk minggu ini, kita lihat hasilnya seperti apa dan akan selalu saya update kedepannya.
Ada yang terlewat ?.....iya...GOLD, GOLD menurut saya sedang masa indecision, ngeri untuk ambil posisi.

Disclaimer : ON

Happy trading my friend

Rabu, 11 November 2015


    The universe will conspire with you if you channel your resource to helping her maintain her balance. This is Divine Law.

So on our path to success we must take cognisance to this rule.

If tithing rule is not played out right there will be leakages and vents to unhealthy expenditure.

We are encouraged to give what we receive.

The dream Life can only come true when we understand this concept.

You are all welcome to encourage each other and suggestions on this called duties.
The Orphanages, the Man in the street, the widowed woman, the destitute, the war zones, the young kid in your street who needs a mentor,
We can channel our energy into others and by Divine Law what we give to others we give to ourselves.

You are all warmly welcomed

Minggu, 08 November 2015

Peluang trading (Trade setup) 9 ~ 13 Nov 2015

     Hasil NFP jumat malam (6 nov) cukup solid dimana Data ketenagakerjaan AS menambahkan 271ribu pekerjaan baru. Hasil ini tentu saja menguatkan spekulasi kenaikan suku bunga AS di bulan Desember 2015, dan ini adalah kenaikan pertama kalinya setelah satu dekade.
Efeknya ? Tentu saja mata uang yg bersebrangan dengan Dollar anjlok dalam, Kalo dilihat dalam chart semua membuka peluang SELL untuk penurunan lebih lanjut.

DXY melonjak stelah NFP release


   AUDUSD membuka peluang SELL dengan penurunan lebih lanjut ke 0.69, waspadai harga retrace terlebih dahulu sebelum melanjutkan penurunannya.


Sama seperti AUDUSD, GBPUSD juga membuka peluang SELL dengan penurunan lebih lanjut ke 1.49 dan 1.47. Waspadai retrace di level2 fibo sebelum melanjutkan penurunan.

Sama juga dengan pair EURUSD, efek NFP smlm memang dahsyat, Dollar menjadi raja dari sekeranjang mata uang lainnya. EUIR berpotensi melanjutkan penurunan ke 1.05, waspadai retrace pada level2 fibo sebelum melanjutkan penurunan.

     Ga afdol rasanya kalo ga menyertakan GOLD, pair yg banyak memberi saya profit, support selanjutnya di 1078, waspadai retrace atau profit taking sebelum gold melanjutkan penurunan.

     Sebenarnya banyak pair2 yang membuka peluang SELL, namun saya jabarkan hanya 3 diatas yang sering di-trade-kan.

So, happy trading, kita lihat minggu ini berakhir seperti apa, semoga profit dan keberuntungan uintuk kita semua.

Minggu, 01 November 2015

Peluang Trading (Trade setup) 2 ~ 6 Nov 2015

Dear Friends,

     Sesuai trading system yang saya anut, nampaknya pasar masih konsolidasi, ataupun kalo masih trending mereka tidak memberikan ruang saya untuk masuk.
Jadi yaah untuk minggu depan saya masih tidak menemukan setup yang kuat untuk saya masuk pasar, nampaknya masih harus menunggu penutupan candle di hari senin atau selasa.

      US Dollar Indeks yang mengukur kekuatan mata uang dollar terhadap mata uang lainnya terlihat overbought dan mencoba retrace untuk mencari pijakan baru untuk melesat keatas menyusul bias hawkisk dari the Fed.

Update 06nov : Dalam trading system yg saya jalani, dimana hanya peluang trading (trade setup) yang benar2 mempunyai probabilitas mendapatkan profit yang tinggi saja yang saya ambil, nah minggu ini pasar benar2 tidak membolehkan saya untuk masuk, untungnya jumat malam ada release NFP, dan disitu saya coba pakai strategi jebakan atas dan bawah untuk GOLD (buy limit dan sell limit bersamaan) dan alhamdulillah profit, lumayan aja nambah modal trading.

Dan berikut US Dollar index setelah hasil release NFP yang solid dimana peluang the FED untuk menaikkan suku bunga di bulan December cukup besar.

Bias Bullish dan Resistant selanjutnya di 99.5 dan 100.2

Happy trading my friends.