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Blog ini berisi Tools, indicator, Info2 yang penting untuk seorang trader forex,
jadi daripada bingung nyari2 di website lain atau bookmark banyak2, terciptalah blog ini, maka itu sebagian besar adalah copy paste yang saya tulis juga sumbernya biar ga menyalahi hak cipta. Akhir kata, SEMOGA BERMANFAAT. HAPPY TRADING.

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

Peluang trading (trade setup) 26 ~ 30 okt 2015

Dear Trader,

     Sekarang saya ingin mencoba memaparkan peluang trading (trade setup) untuk minggu besok (26~30okt), trade setup minggu lalu trading ditutup dengan serangkaian profit, terutamanya didapat dari emas dimana saya dua kali buka posisi dan ditutup dihari yang sama, dan untung saja, saat saya dirumah pukul 18:30 PBoC (Bank Sentral China) tanpa diduga memotong suku bunga acuannya, dan apa yang terjadi pada emas ? tentu saja rally :

Rally 2ribuan pips turun, bayangkan kalo ada posisi saya yang masih terbuka, dah ga bisa tidur tuh.

Ok, untuk minggu ini, dari penutupan candle hari jumat sayangnya saya tidak menemukan peluang trading dari semua pasangan mata uang, nampaknya harus menunggu penutupan candle di hari senin (26okt) atau selasa (27okt), dan jika tidak nemu juga, yaahh puasa trading dulu.

Pos ini akan selalu saya update perhari jika saya menemukan peluang trading.

Update 29oct15 : Lumayan +500pips dari Gold, drpd puasa trading.

Demikian, happy trading friends.

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

Bisnis Forex, kalo sudah tau jadi menyenangkan.

Dear friends,

    Sudah jum'at lagi aja yaa, ga kerasa waktu berputar sangat cepat, dan profesi sampinganku ini sudah berjalan 8 bulan, menyenangkan.
Minggu ini sangat menggembirakan, aktifitas perdagangan valas saya sesuai dengan trade setup (sinyal buka posisi) minggu ini trade setup 19~23 oct 2015 berakhir dengan keuntungan semua, ga ada yg rugi, Alhamdulillah.
    Yang bikin menyenangkannya bisnis sampingan ini, sering kali saat saya mau pulang kerja, saya lihat chart forex dahulu, jika ada kesempatan buka posisi lalu saya buka, pas sampai rumah targer profit ternyata telah tersentuh oleh pergerakan harga, tanpa buka lapak, tanpa sewa ruko saya telah mendapatkan keuntungan dari perjalanan pulang kerumah.
Begitu juga pagi ini, sambil sarapan saya lihat chart, ada kemungkinan buka posisi perdagangan lalu saya buka, jam 9 pagi buka chart lagi ternyata sudah profit, alhamdulillah.
    Saya jadi bermimpi nih friends, 3 tahun dari sekarang mungkin saya tidak lagi bekerja di pabrik tempat saya bekerja ini, saya merencanakan akan pensiun dini dan bekerja di Bank atau institusi keuangan sebagai Market Analysis atau Fund Manager aja deh.
Jadi 3 tahun ini akan saya gunakan uintuk terus mengasah kemampuan saya sebagai Trader Forex.
Dan juga sekarang saya sudah mulai belajar bagaimana caranya trading saham biar komplit pengetahuan saya di bidang ini.
    Oia, bagi teman2 yang mau mulai bisnis ini, banyak-banyak belajar dulu yaa, "Investasikan waktumu dulu, sebelum Investasikan Uangmu ".
Yang terpenting adalah Money management yang baik, selalu resikokan hanya 2% ~ 5% uang anda, jangan lebih, dan pilihlah broker yang baik dan jujur, hindari Broker lokal.

At last, Happy trading my friends,

Note : Arah kebijakan Bank Sentral Amerika (FED) masih bikin trader gamang, pasar naik turun mengira2 apakah FED akan menaikkan suku bunganya akhir tahun 2015 ini atau tidak. Moggo mbok Janet Yellen di jelaskan ke kami2 ini, simbok maunya gimana ? hehehehe

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

Saran Untuk Trader Pemula

Saran Untuk Trader Pemula

Seperti yang Anda ketahui tentang Forex, banyak hal yang bisa menjerumuskan Anda kepada kebangkrutan dan keresahan diri akibat tak mengetahui cara ber-trading. Tidak salah Anda mencoba belajar trading lalu tiba-tiba merugi. Itu adalah pengalaman dan pilihan Anda. Namun di sini kami akan memberikan saran dan solusi untuk trading yang baik supaya di lain waktu dan kesempatan, Anda bisa ber-trading dengan lancar dan sukses.

Bicara mengenai Forex tidak akan ada habisnya serta tidak ada basinya. Penulis senang berbicara tentang Forex karena banyak orang yang sebenarnya masih penasaran. Sebagian besar calon trader pemula masih belum paham, apa sebenarnya Forex. Bahkan setelah mereka mengikuti kursus Forex. Jangankan calon, mereka yang sudah terjun sekalipun kadang masih belum paham benar cara kerja Forex.

Untuk itu perlu kami rekomendasikan sebagai pemula dalam trading Forex, Anda semestinya tidak memiliki gagasan bahwa Forex trading adalah mudah. Selain harus menguasai pengetahuan tentang Forex dalam rangka untuk menjadi trader yang sukses, Anda juga harus berhati-hati akan penipuan. Banyak faktor yang mesti Anda perhatikan ketika terjun ke dalam dunia Forex.

Oleh karena itu, singkirkan rasa malu untuk mencari saran dari orang-orang yang memiliki pengalaman tentang trading Forex. Dari mereka Anda bisa belajar mengenai cara terbaik untuk memulai trading dan menjaga diri dari penipuan broker. Sebagian besar mereka mungkin akan menasehati Anda untuk mengambil beberapa kursus trading yang handal. Untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan broker yang sah dan memiliki rekam jejak yang terbukti dan berhasil, perhatikan beberapa poin yang telah kami kumpulkan berikut ini:

1. Sadar Risiko
Kenali dan sadari benar-benar risiko dalam ber-trading Forex. Karena sebagaimana investasi lainnya, dalam Forex risiko yang bisa terjadi sepadan dengan profit yang bisa Anda raih.

2. Berlatih di akun demo
Anda harus berlatih di akun demo supaya mendapat pengalaman trading tanpa harus mengalami kerugian uang riil. Anda dapat mencoba berbagai macam strategi dan mengetahui berbagai kondisi market.

3. Jangan menyerah
Jangan pernah menyerah karena kerugian pasti terjadi di bisnis ini. Anda harus punya impian yang kuat untuk menjadikan anda pantang menyerah untuk sukses di Forex.

4. Ada komitmen
Siapkan mental dan kemauan kuat untuk terus belajar, karena dalam trading Forex sangat banyak hal yang perlu dipahami dan pelajari.

5. Tahan Emosi
Jangan terburu napsu untuk langsung menggunakan seluruh deposit. Gunakan deposit "hanya sebesar yang Anda bersedia kehilangan".

Itulah saran yang bisa kami berikan untuk Anda. Namun yang terpenting, satu-satunya cara dapat mengurangi risiko adalah dengan memahami bagaimana pasar bekerja. Dengan cara ini tidak ada yang bisa menipu Anda.
Source : seputarforex.com

Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Money Management : The first article you should read before start as FOREX trader

Money Management in Forex – Money Management Is the Critical Part of Forex Trading

Money management in Forex trading is one of the most important problems of new and even advanced forex traders. Almost everybody can find a good trading system that can be profitable but something that causes traders to lose and be negative at the end of the month, is lack of a proper money management strategy and discipline. Although money management is so important and critical, it is still very easy to follow.
Forex money management have several different aspects and stages and should be started from the very first stages of your live forex trading business which is opening your livetrading account. We have a very simple rule that says “Never risk more than 2% of your money.” Most traders think that this rule should only be applied after having a live trading account and while they trade, but this is not true. This rule should be considered even when you want to open your live account. Lets say you have already practiced and demotraded enough and you feel confident enough to open your live account. And lets say you have a $20,000 saving. Would you open a $20,000 live account? Well, you can do that but what if you lose this money for any reason? For example your broker becomes bankrupt and closes the company and never pays your money back. Or you take a 20 lots position bymistake and you forget to set the stop loss. It goes against you for 100 pips and wipes out your account. You will not be able to start over, at least for a long time that you save some money. And this initial failure may have a bad impact on you and you may not think about forex trading anymore and you will lose the opportunity for good.
If $20,000 is the only money you have, you should open a $400 account, specially if that account will be your first live account. Or a $1000 account maximum, if you are confident enough that you have had enough practice and you know how to trade.
Therefore money management should be considered even before live trading and when you want to open your live account.
The second stage is when you want to choose the leverage of your account. Nowadays you can have even a 1:500 leverage but this leverage is too big for new traders and even experienced traders try to avoid it. A 1:200 leverage is acceptable. I do not want to talk about leverage in this article because this article has to be focused on money management but briefly, leverage is the facility that your broker gives you to enable you to manage bigger amount of money using a smaller amount of money. For example if a broker gives you a 1:1 leverage account, then when you want to buy 100,000 USD against Japanese Yen, you should have 100,000 USD in your account at least. But if a broker offers a 1:100 leverage, then you only need to have $1,000 to buy a 100,000 USD and so with a leverage of 1:500 you only need to have $200 to buy 100,000 USD.
So why having a big leverage like 1:500 is dangerous? Because you can trade a huge amount of money and if your trade goes against you, you lose all your money very easily. When you have a $400 account with a 1:500 leverage, if you buy 100,000 USD against JPY and it goes against you for 40 pips only, you will lose all your money and you can not trade anymore. Whereas if your account leverage was 1:100, you could buy maximum $20,000. If you trade $20,000 with a 40 pips stop loss and your trade hits your stop loss, you lose $80 but a 40 pips stop loss with a 100,000 USD position equals to $400. To risk $400, you should have a $20,000 account, not a $400 account because we are supposed to risk only 2% of our capital at any time, not 100% of it.
The third place that you have to consider money management, is where you want to take a position. Again, we should not risk more than 2% of our capital. This rule should be applied to the positions we take too. This is the most important stage of money management, which is very easy to apply. You just need to consider it and not to ignore it. Now the question is how you can trade while you are not risking more than 2% of the money you have in your account (youraccount balance).
Before I answer this question and before I teach you how to calculate your positions in the way that you don’t risk more 2% with any trade, I want to tell you something which is even more important: Stop Loss
Let me tell you something frankly and seriously. If you don’t set a proper stop loss for your trades, if you hate setting stop loss and if you set stop loss but you move it when you see it is about to be triggered, you will never become a forex trader BECAUSE you lose all the money you have and you will not be able to trade anymore. Do yourself and your money a favor: Stay away from forex market if you don’t like to have stop loss for your trades. I can not emphasize on the importance of stop loss more than this.
Setting a proper stop loss for each trade, is a different story. Some traders always consider a constant number of pips for their stop loss positions but this is not correct. Stop loss value can be different from time frame to time frame, currency pair to current pair and trade setup to trade setup. Stop loss that I choose for a position which is taken based on a trade setup on daily chart, has to be much bigger than the stop loss I have, when I trade using a 15min chart. Accordingly the stop loss I have when I trade EUR-GBP is different than the stop loss I set for GBP-JPY.
How to set a proper stop loss (and target) is something that has to be discussed in a different article. I have already published an article about this subject: Where Is the Best Place for Stop Loss and Limit Orders?
Ok! Lets get back to our money management discussion. So the third stage of money management is when you want to take a position. The rule says never risk more than 2% of your capital in each trade. It means if you take a position and it goes against you and triggers your stop loss, you should only lose 2% of your account balance. For example if you have a $10,000 account, you should only risk $200 in each trade. No matter what position you take and how big your stop loss is in different positions. You should choose the “position size” in the way that if your stop loss becomes triggered in any position, you lose 2% of your account. For example if you find a trade setup on EUR-USD daily chart that has to have a 150 pips stop loss. This 150 pips should equal to $200. Accordingly, a 20 pips stop loss on 5min chart should also equals to $200 which is 2% of your account. Easy to understand so far, right? :)
Before I show you how you can calculate your position size, let me tell you another thing. If a position goes against you and you feel stressed out and you down on your knees and start praying and begging God to return the market and you can get out at breakeven, it means: You have traded with the money that you can not afford to lose and if you lose it, you will be in trouble. And you have taken too much risk in your trade and you have not followed money management rules. And you have not set a stop loss and your account is so close to become margin called. If you trade like this, you should know that this is not trading. It is something else. And if by any chance, market returns and you can get out at breakeven in one trade, you will be trapped in another trade and you will lose all your money. But if you follow money management rules and you don’t risk more than 2% of you money in each trade and you set a proper stop loss, when your stop loss becomes triggered you will say, “Well! this is part of the game too. Not all my positions are supposed to hit the target.”
Now I show you how easy it is to calculate your position size. Lets say you have a $10,000 account and you have found a trade setup with EUR-USD which has to have a 100 pips stop loss. This 100 pips stop loss should equal to 2% of your capital, based on money management rule that says you should not risk more than 2% of your capital in each trade.
2% of $10,000 is $200:
$10,000 x 0.02 = $200
Now tell me if 100 pips should equal to $200, what value each pip should have? That is right. Each pip should equal to $2:
$200 / 100 pips = $2
So to risk only 2% of your money in this trade, your position size (the amount of money that you trade) should be chosen in the way that each pip equals $2.
Now the question is how much EUR-USD you should trade if you want each pip to equal $2?
This question refers to pip value of each currency pair. One lot is 100,000 units of a currency in forex world. For example when you buy one lot EUR-USD, it means you have bought 100,000 Euro against USD. If you buy 0.1 lot EUR-USD, it means you have bought 10,000 Euro against USD and so on…
Each currency pair has a different pip value. Pip value can be calculated but you don’t have to learn how to do it because it is a little complicated with some currency pairs. Also, you don’t have to know the exact pip value of each currency pair to calculate your position size. You only need to know that one lot EUR-USD, GBP-USDUSD-JPY and USD-CHF has a $10 pip value (sometimes a little higher and sometimes a little lower). Pip value of one lot GBP-JPY, EUR-JPY, AUD-USDand USD-CAD is almost $10 too. EUR-GBP has the highest pip value among currency pairs. It is almost twice of the pip value of EUR-USD. And pip value of exotic currency pairs like USD-DKK, USD-SEK and USD-NOK is about 0.1 pip value of EUR-USD. Pip value of each current pair, changes with the price change but it doesn’t change too much to affect our position size calculation. For example pip value of one lot EUR-USD, sometimes is a little higher and sometimes a little lower than $10.
Don’t worry. You don’t have to memorize them. I will give you a calculator at the end of this article that can easily calculates your position size. I will also give you a pip value calculator. But before that, I just want to make sure that you understand how to calculate your position size manually.
Back to our question, how much EUR-USD you should trade that each pip equals $2:
It is now very easy to answer. Each pip equals $10 when you trade one lot EUR-USD. So you should trade 0.2 lot if you want each pip of your position to equal $2. It can be calculated through a simple equation:
Forex Money Management
What if you had a 100,000 USD account and you had found a EUR-USD trade setup which its stop loss had to be 200 pips?
Now you can answer it right away: 2% of a 100,000 USD account is $2,000. When a 200 pips stop loss has to equal $2000, each pip value will be $10:
$2000 / 200 = $10
So the pip value of your trade should be $10 and your position should be a one lot position.
Another example: If you had a $20,000 account and you had found a EUR-GBP trade setup with a 90 pips stop loss, how much your position would have to be not to risk more than 2% of your capital?
Answer: 2% of a $20,000 account is $400. When a 90 pips stop loss should equal $400, the pip value of your position should be $4.4:
$400 / 90 = $4.4
One lot EUR-GBP has a $20 pip value. So you should take a 0.22 lot position:
$4.4 / $20 = 0.22 lot
Most traders say, your target size should be at least the same size as your stop loss, if not bigger. But choosing the target is also dependent on the trade setup you have found. When you have found a long position, you should be able to find the next resistance level that may stop the price from going up. That level will be your target. Accordingly, when you find a short trade setup, you should be able to find the next support level that may prevent the price from going down. That level will be your target. Then if you see your target will be smaller than your stop loss, you should ignore that position and you should wait for another trade setup.
Another strategy that helps you to make more profit and protect the profit you make, is splitting your position into two or even three parts and have a different target for each part. For example you find a trade setup and based on risk calculation, you have to take a 2 lots position. Your position target should also be 100 pips. You can take two one lot positions with the same stop loss, but for the first position you set a 50 pips target and for the second position you set a 100 pips target. When the first position target is triggered, you move the stop loss of the second position to breakeven (entry price). Therefore, if it goes against you after triggering the first target, your second position will be closed with zero loss and you have already made a 50 pips profit with the first position. If you don’t do this and just take a 2 lots position and and let your stop loss to stay at its initial position until your target becomes triggered, it is possible that it goes against you at the middle of the way and hits your stop loss.
Some traders are against this strategy. They say if you are confident enough about your trading system and if you have picked a good signal, let your target to be triggered with the full amount of your trade. This is also true. However, you’d better to move your stop loss to breakeven when the price has passed 80% of the way toward your target.
Another method is that you take two positions with the same stop loss, but for the first position you place the full target and you don’t set any target for the second position. When the first target is triggered, you just move the stop loss to breakeven for the second position and as long as the position keeps on moving to your favorite direction you hold the position and move your stop loss, candlestick by candlestick or 100 pips by 100 pips (in this example). This is a good method for maximizing your profit.
This article was supposed to be focused on money management. But what is the relation of maximizing your profit and money management?
Maximizing your profit is an important part of money management. If you succeed to maximize your profit in your trades, you will have a better risk-reward ratio. When your stop loss is the same as your target, you have a 1:1 risk-reward ratio, but when you succeed to maximize your profit in a trade and your profit becomes three times more than your stop loss, then your risk-reward ratio will be 1:3. It means you have risked 2% of your account to make a 6% profit. And if one of your positions hits your stop loss, you lose 2% of the profit you have made and 4% of the profit is still in your account. Now lets say you have a trading system that you are 70% successful with it. It means 7 out of 10 positions you take, hit the target and 3 positions hit the stop loss. If you succeed to maximize your profit up to three times of your stop loss with those 7 positions, you will make 7 x 3 x 2% or 42% profit and your loss will be 3 x 2% or 6%. So you will have a 36% profit at the end (42% – 6% = 36%). This is a great result.
However you should know that it is not always possible to maximize your profit like that and in fact maximizing profit is one of the hardest part of trading and needs a lot of experience, patience and discipline.
Ok! I think I have talked enough about money management and its important role in trading. I hope you always consider money management rules in your trading. If you think 2% risk in each trade is too small, you can increase it to 4% only if you are confident enough about your system and your skill. I said “confident”, not “over-confident”.


Below are a few diagrams showing some of these Harmonic Patterns and Elliott Wave structures that I use in my analysis and teach in my Webinars.

Bullish BAT with 3 Trades
Bearish BAT Pattern # with 3 Trades
Bullish Butterfly Pattern # with 3 TradesBearish Butterfly Pattern # with 3 TradesBullish Crab Pattern  with 3 TradesBearish Crab Pattern  with 3 Trades

AB = CD pattern

EW- Basic
2 Contracting Triangle

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015

Difference of High-Low and Close Prices in Plotting the Lines

Difference of High-Low and Close Prices in Plotting the Lines

I am always asked whether we should consider the line chart (close price) or candlestick chart (high and low prices) to plot the support and resistance lines.
My answer usually is that I consider both. Although it seems high and low prices are more reliable, I still consider the close price when I want to trade the support and resistance breakouts. Sometimes the price reacts precisely to both close and high/low prices. Sometimes it reacts to one of them better and violates the other one. Here I have an example for you.
Below is the CHF/JPY daily chart. The resistance line I have plotted is based on the high price. As you see, candlestick #1 has broken above the line. But the second candlestick has violated the broken resistance that was supposed to work as a support line. Therefore, although the resistance line looks valid, but the market is not 100% loyal to it.
Now, I switch to line chart, plot the resistance line on it, and then switch to candlestick chart again (the below screenshot). As you see, in this case the market has reacted to the broken resistance line precisely:
Candlestick #1, #2 and #3 tested the line and then #4 closed above it. It means candlestick #4 broke above the resistance line. After that, the next candlestick retested the broken resistance line, but this line worked as a strong support and none of the candles have been able to close below it. Therefore, in this case the resistance line which is plotted based on the close price has worked more precisely. That is why I say we should consider both lines (the one plotted based on the line chart and the one which is plotted based on the high/low prices.)
source : fxkeys.com

Trade setup 19 ~23 Oct 2015

Trade setup 19 ~23 Oct 2015
18 Oktober 2015

    Trade setup yang saya temukan untuk minggu ketiga di bulan october minggu ketiga adaah sebagai berikut  :

  1. GOLD
  2.      Gold sangat erat kaitannya dengan pergerakan US Dollar, dan kalau kita perhatikan sekarang ini adalah dolar sedang pada fase koreksi ditengah spekulasi bahwa Bank Sental Amerika (FED) tidak akan menaikkan bunga acuannya hingga maret  2016. Yang namanya spekulasi bisa saja berubah apalagi ketua FED (Janet Yellen) berkata bahwa FED bertindak berdasar data, nah data-data yang dimaksud adalah pekerjaan dan inflasi dimana data pekerjaan AS menunjukkan  performa terbaiknya untuk 7 tahun belakangan meskipun secara makro AS juga sedang mengalami perlambatan.

         Dari grafik US Dolar diatas terlihat fase koreksi dari dolar yg kemungki8nan selanjutnya adalah bahwa dolar akan menguat kembali.

         Dan terlihat juga dari grafik Daily emas diatas, harga sedang tertahan di fibo MA50, yang menunjukkan harga akan kembali naik atau bisa turun kembali ke fibo 38.2 atau 50.

        Tentunya emas futures berbeda dengan emas fisik, harga emas future tidak selamanya naik, jd jangan sampai kita tertahan diharga  atas dan floating minus besar.

    So, wait and see penutupan cande di hari senin 19 oct, untuk menentukan langkah selanjutnya, atau ambi BUY dengan lot kecil, TP di 1183.

    Update 20oct15 : Pagi ini pergerakan masih bearish karena dibayangi oleh PDB china yg memberatkan emas, harga tertahan di fibo 38.2.
    Sisi teknikal harga masih mengarah ke sisi bawah yang akan bertemu dengan support 1165 dan 1156.
    Kesempatan trading emas adalah jika ada berita yang sudah terkonfirmasi apakah FED akan menaikkan suku bunganya desember ini atau tidak. sementara itu adalah menunggu sinyal dari candlestick berupa bearihs atau bullish.
    Update 23oct15 : Minggu ini saya sdh 2 kali buka posisi dan tutup posisi di hari yg sama, alhamdulillah profit kedua2nya total +1000pips)

  3. GBPUSD 

  4.      Harga terlihat menghadapi penolakan di fibo 61.8 dan juga trend line dan harga kemungkinan akan turun terus sampai target pertama  MA50 di 1.53566, negative point ada di pin bar yang terbentuk.
    Untuk amannya kita bisa menunggu bearish candle terbentuk pada senin 19 okt atau lsg op SELL dgn SL di atas harga trendllline yaitu 1.55100.

    Update 20oct15 : Harga senin mencoba bangkit, namun tertahan MA100, jika resistant bertahan makan harga akan mengincar sisi bawah ke fibo 50 atau MA50 sbg support terdekatnya.
    Update 21oct15 : Still running on the green pips


  6.      Terllihat BULL tidak mau menyerah begitu saja, BB squeeze yg terbentuk menyiratkan harga sedang konsolidasi dan menunggu satu pihak untuk ambil alih.
    SETUP yg terjadi sangat kuat menandakan harga akan menguat menuju targer terdekat di MA20 dan MA50, namun pin bar yg terbentuk di hari terakhir meminta koonfirmasi di candle berikutnya.

    Update 20oct15 : Senin kemarin tidak ada candle konfirmasi untuk arah trading hari ini.
    15:30 -> close position @ 119.572 (+13.5pips, krn terbentuk doji)


  8.      Harga Daily menurun tertahan di Fibo 61.8, di TF weekly harga tertahan di MA 20.
    Kemungkinannya harga bisa retrace kembai ke MA20 TF weekly atau menurun terbatas, who knows ? Itulah forex, tiada yg pasti.
    Untuk amannya kita tunggu penutupan di hari senin.

    Update 20oct15 : Seperti sy analisa kmrn, harga kemungkinan akan retrace, dan benar saja, namun tertahan di MA20 TF weekly dengan bias bearish. Jadi trading untuk pair ini adalah peluang mencari sinyal SELL dengan menunggu candle bearish sebagai konfirmasi.

    5. AUDUSD

         Dengan terbentuknya pinbar pada senin kemarin, terlihat harga mengalami penolakan ke sisi atas, dan berpeluang untuk mengincar sisi bawah di fibo 38.2 ~ 50 yang berhimpitan dengan MA20, Bias minggu ini adalah bearish terlihat di TF weekly, jd peluang trading pair ini adalah mencari sinyal SELL dengan target sisi bawah seperti diuraikan diatas.

    Update 21oct15 : close with +31.5pips profit @0.72180

    6. CHFJPY

        BUY @ 125.104 -> Close @ 125.566 (+46.2pips, tertahan resistant, amankan profit)

    7. EURUSD

       SELL @ 1.13705 --> close @ 1.13535 (+17pips, harga bolak balik, amankan profit)
    Untuk minggu ini trade setup diatas akan terus diperbaharui.

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

Trading itu Mudah (Jika Anda Tahu Bagaimana Harus Memulai)

Trading itu Mudah (Jika Anda Tahu Bagaimana Harus Memulai)

Quote di atas saya ambil dari mentor saya, yang telah meletakkan dasar-dasar pemahaman bagi saya tentang apa dan bagaimana cara trading yang "semestinya". Sedikit saya ingin sharing di sini ya, kurang lebih 2 tahun yang lalu, dengan semangat menggebu, saya pun nyemplung ke dunia forex trading ini. Jangan kira semuanya berjalan semudah yang saya (atau mungkin anda juga) bayangkan. "Pengorbanan" yang diperlukankan dalam proses belajar memang tidak sedikit, baik pengorbanan waktu, tenaga, maupun tentu saja, modal. Terus terang, saya yang biasanya menyombongkan diri sebagai fast learner, di forex trading ini ternyata bener-bener ketemu batunya.

Diawali dengan kesombongan yang mengakibatkan MC dalam waktu 2 minggu. Untungnya kemudian timbul kesadaran akan perlunya pemahaman yang benar dan perlunya mengabaikan keinginan balas dendam. Dari rasa tertantang dan pengakuan bahwa ternyata forex tidak semudah yang saya bayangkan, mulailah timbul pencerahan yang konsekuensinya menuntut hari-hari penuh "perjuangan": membaca seabreg e-book, googling sana-sini, nanya (dan dicuekin) sana-sini. Hiks! Hasilnya? Nah, itu dia, yang jelas sih, tampang jadi kusut abis, karena kurang tidur. Tapi, semua proses belajar itu saya lalui dengan semangat pantang menyerah dan justru saya anggap suatu tantangan tersendiri.

Nah, bagi anda yang sudah bertekad ingin belajar trading, ada beberapa hal yang perlu anda pahami dan persiapkan terlebih dahulu, supaya tidak mengikuti jalan saya belajar yang terlalu berliku-liku.

Pertama, siapkan mental. Lah, kok mental duluan? Iyalah, kalo mental sudah tahan banting, apapun kondisi yang bakalan dihadapi, kita sudah akan siap.Menjadi seorang trader itu harus punya mental yang tahan banting. Seorang temen saya bilang, dalam belajar trading, bersiap aja setahun awal untuk babak belur dulu. Makanya, siapkan mental (dan modal secukupnya saja) untuk babak belur di tahun pertama.

Kedua, persiapkan dan rencanakan cash flow (aliran dana) yang diperlukan. Hal yang perlu anda ingat adalah, jaga cash flow anda. Jangan terburu nafsu untuk melakukan invest/deposit besar di tahun pertama. Biasanya nih… seorang (calon) trader merasa sudah menguasai teknik trading hanya dengan beberapa kali "kebetulan" melakukan open position yang menghasilkan profit dan kemudian memutuskan untuk melakukan deposit yang relatif besar.

Eits, tunggu dulu, kalo anda tidak ingin pensiun dini sebagai trader, tahan dulu keinginan untuk deposit besar-besaran di tahun pertama, apalagi di bulan pertama. Dari sharing pengalaman temen-temen trader lain, biasanya hasil yang konsisten baru akan tercapai setelah seorang trader berpengalaman trading lebih dari setahun. Jadi, kalo anda baru belajar trading selama beberapa bulan dan merasa sudah menguasai cara trading yang benar kemudian memutuskan untuk melakukan deposit, sebaiknya lakukan deposit dalam jumlah yang tidak terlalu besar terlebih dahulu.

Ketiga, cari mentor (pembimbing) anda dalam proses belajar trading ini dan bergabunglah dengan komunitas trader yang bisa saling memberikan dorongan,semangat serta sharing teknik maupun pengalaman dalam ber-trading. Di mana kita bisa cari mentor dan komunitas trader? Mudah saja kok. Aktiflah di forum-forum trader dan carilah trader yang sudah lebih senior dan mau memberikan bimbingan, atau setidaknya carilah partner diskusi yang bisa memberikan semangat dan masukan yang positif. Terus terang nih, saya tetep bisa bertahan melalui tahun awal karena dukungan semangat dari temen-temen trader yang lain, terutama temen-temen trader di MV.

Keempat, lakukan proses belajar dengan penuh kecintaan. Halahh… kok jadi mellow gini ya? Maksud saya gini loh…, biasanya nih… kalo dasarnya sudah cinta, maka pengorbanan pun akan terasa sebagai kenikmatan. Iya gak? Nah, sehubungan dengan belajar trading ini, kalo anda memang sudah cinta dengan trading, maka pengorbanan seperti misalnya melek sampe jam 3 pagi buat melototin chart atau dalam rangka belajar satu indikator, gak akan kerasa sebagai suatu yang berat.

Percaya deh, orang yang sukses itu orang yang mencintai apa yang dia kerjakan.Belajar atau bekerjalah dengan passion, maka anda akan jadi orang yang penuh semangat dan sukses! Ok deh, hal-hal di atas sekedar saran buat anda yang berminat untuk nyemplung di dunia forex trading ini. Saya ucapkan: Welcome to the jungle, enter at your own risk! But don’t worry, it’s fun!
source :  seputarforex.com

Cara Sederhana Meningkatkan Hasil Trading Anda

Cara Sederhana Meningkatkan Hasil Trading Anda

Seorang teman trader pernah berbagi tips sederhana untuk meningkatkan hasil trading anda dengan 4 cara mudah. Tertarik? pastilah ya. Siapa sih yang gak pengen tradingnya menghasilkan yang lebih? Ok deh, mari kita langsung simak cara-caranya, siapa tahu memang bisa kita aplikasikan.

Cara 1: Jangan terlalu sering melakukan Open Position
Lah? Kok? Tenang-tenang! Jangan keburu protes dulu yaa. Begini, pertama-tama, saya perlu ingatkan tentang satu hal yang menjadi "biaya" anda dalam ber-trading, yaitu: spread. Broker tempat anda ber-trading mungkin memang tidak mengambil komisi, tapi tetap saja, ada spread (yang untuk beberapa pairs mayan gedhe) yang "memakan" profit anda. Setiap kali anda melakukan open-close position, semakin sering anda terkena "biaya spread". 

Jadi, disarankan untuk tidak terlalu sering open-close posisi untuk menghemat biaya spread ini.
 Kalo anda merasa trend masih kuat dan searah dengan posisi, tetapi anda ingin mengamankan dulu profit yang sudah anda peroleh, lebih baik geser saja stop loss, dari pada anda meng-close satu posisi kemudian membuka posisi lagi dengan arah yang sama. Saran pertama ini memang perlu direview apabila anda trading melalui IB dan mendapatkan rebate dari setiap kali anda melakukan open position. Dalam kasus seperti ini, anda perlu mempertimbangkan antara pendapatan rebate per transaksi dengan spread yang harus anda tanggung.

Cara 2: Perlebar Stop Loss
Ingatlah bahwa semakin lebar Stop Loss, (secara teoritis) semakin tinggi pula kemungkinan anda untuk mendapatkan profit. Semakin sempit SL, berarti anda hanya memberi kesempatan yang sempit bagi harga untuk bergoyang sebelum mengikuti major trend yang sudah anda identifikasi. Bahasa gampangnya, SL yang terlalu sedikit itu semakin gampang kesabetnya. Itulah mengapa, banyak trader yang menganggap bahwa SL itu "mempercepat" kerugian. Jadi, berilah ruang yang cukup untuk goyangan harga ini supaya SL anda tidak terlalu mudah tersentuh.

Sebagai patokan untuk short term trading, SL sebaiknya berkisar antara 23-35 points. Meskipun demikian, harus tetap diingat bahwa Stop Loss sebaiknya ditetapkan “sebesar kerugian yang bisa anda tanggung”. Dan saya tetap tidak menganjurkan anda untuk ber-trading tanpa stop loss, karena bagaimanapun, stop loss diperlukan untuk “membatasi” kerugian yang mungkin terjadi.

Cara 3: Perlebar Target Profit Jangan melakukan Open Position kecuali anda yakin bisa mendapatkan profit 100 pips atau lebih
Apalagi melakukan Open Position berdasarkan "kayaknya bakalan ijo nih" atau malahan "ijo syukur, merah ya udah". Wah, kalau seperti itu tingkat keyakinannya, mending gak usah OP aja deh. Ingatlah bahwa profit anda nantinya masih harus dipotong oleh spread, dan anda sudah menanggung resiko kerugian dengan membuka satu posisi. Jadi, jangan mau kalo cuma asal ijo doang.

Cara 4: Gunakan Time Frame 4H (atau lebih)
Banyak temen trader yang berpendapat bahwa TF 4 H itu yang paling rendah false signalnya. Juga, kalo anda berharap mendapat profit 100 pips lebih, makamenggunakan chart dengan TF yang relatif tinggi akan lebih masuk akal untuk mempermudah mengidentifikasi major trend yang sedang terjadi.

Nah, itu tadi cara-cara yang bisa dibilang simple untuk meningkatkan hasil trading anda. Intinya sebenernya sih gimana kita sebisa mungkin menghindari spread yang mengurangi perolehan profit kita. Oya, perlu saya ingatkan juga masalah margin management. Karena kita bermain di TF 4H dan memasang Stop Loss yang relatif lebar, maka ketahanan margin harus selalu diperhatikan. Ok, mau coba diaplikasikan? semoga berhasil. Sukses selalu untuk anda!
source : seputarforex.com

Three Ways to Trade Support and Resistance

Three Ways to Trade Support and Resistance

By Currency Analyst
21 May 2014 03:00 GMT

Talking Points:
  • Support and resistance can have numerous applications and can be identified in a multitude of ways.
  • Traders can use support/resistance identification for managing risk in a strategy.
  • Traders can also use support and resistance to grade market conditions, and enter positions.
One of the more difficult concepts within Technical Analysis is grasping the premise of support and resistance. There are numerous ways to identify these levels, and even after identified, there are a plethora of ways of integrating and trading with them.
In our first article on the topic, we looked at The Hidden Patterns of Support and Resistance in the Forex Market. We then went on to incorporate additional support and resistance mechanisms in our follow-up article,The Power of Confluence in the Forex Market.
In this article, we’re going to show you three ways that traders can properly integrate these levels.
Risk Management/Stop Placement
While this may be the least ‘exciting’ of the three ways to integrate support and resistance, this is also probably the most important.
Stop-loss orders help traders prevent blowing up their entire accounts on just one or two bad trade ideas. We’ve looked at the importance of stops, and further, risk management in numerous of our previous articles. Sloppy risk management is The Number One Mistake that Forex Traders Make, and this is also the Top Trading Mistake.
Support and resistance can help traders to define their risk amounts for any individual position.
Let’s say that a trader wants to buy in a range, and if that range doesn’t continue, they want to close out the position quickly in an effort to mitigate the loss.
In this case, it makes sense to place the stop for the long position below support so that once support becomes violated, the stop-loss can close the position and the trader can look to avoid taking a larger loss.
Support and resistance can help with stop placement
Three Ways to Trade Support and Resistance
Created with Marketscope/Trading Station II; prepared by James Stanley
This can also work for reversal plays. If a trader is looking to buy a bullish reversal, they can look to the low that was established before the reversal began; and they can place their stop there. This way, if the reversal doesn’t pan out, and if prices do continue moving in the previous trend-side direction, the position can be closed as traders look to mitigate their loss.
The exact opposite would be the case for short positions, with traders looking to place stops above resistance so that should the market continue rising; the short position can be closed with a minimum of a loss.
Determining a Market’s Condition
We’ve all heard it since we were young: Buy low, and sell high.
If only matters were that simple.
What constitutes ‘high’ and what constitutes ‘low?’ After all, these are very relative matters, and low in a market today might be sky-high a week from now.
This is where support and resistance come into play, and this is why finding strong, confluent levels can be so beneficial.
Think about why support or resistance may come into a market: The only real reason is due to an influx of buyers or sellers at a particular price level.
Let’s say that we’re expecting support at a price of 1.6750 on GBPUSD; which is a psychological level in the currency pair. As prices move lower towards this expected support level, buyers begin coming into the market in anticipation of a future support level being so close. As prices move closer and closer to this level of support, more and more buyers notice this ‘perceived value’ in GBPUSD and they also look to enter in long cable positions. The exact low of the move is considered a ‘price action swing.’
Eventually, the number of buyers in GBPUSD outstrips the number of sellers, and this is what creates a reversal in the market as the higher level of demand takes over smaller level of supply. This is how price action works, and it happens in short and long-terms alike.
Price action will also help traders see support and resistance in trending markets and ranging markets as well. We discussed market conditionality in the article The Life Cycle of Markets.
In trending markets, prices will generally make ‘higher-highs’ and ‘higher-lows,’ or ‘lower-lows’ and ‘lower-highs,’ while ranging markets will generally display more stable levels of support and resistance. The example below in USDJPY shows both of these types of environments on the same chart.
Current price relationship with Support/Resistance can define the market’s condition
Three Ways to Trade Support and Resistance
Created with Marketscope/Trading Station II; prepared by James Stanley
After the market condition has been identified, traders can then move on to the next step of placing the trade.
Enter Positions
After traders have been able to allocate risk and grade market conditions using price action with support and resistance, they can move on to the next logical step in looking to place trades and enter positions.
Remember that future prices are unpredictable. Implementing support or resistance simply gives us the possibility that support or resistance may hold; and if it does in-fact hold, then traders can look for rewards or profits that are significantly larger than the amount they had to risk. Or put another way, traders can use this as an opportunity to turn around The Top Trading Mistake and get risk management working in their favor by looking for larger rewards using smaller amounts of risk.
If a trader is looking to buy an up-trend, they want to look to do so cheaply. So they can simply wait for prices to retrace a portion of the up-trend until a support level comes in to the market. This support level can be a psychological level, or a Fibonacci retracement, or a pivot point; better yet, this support level can offerconfluence from multiple types of support/resistance analysis.
After price action has exhibited that the retracement may be over, the trader can look to enter long with a stop below the support level. This way, if the up-trend doesn’t continue coming back in the market, the loss can be mitigated. But if the trend does come in, then the trader can look to profit two, three, or four times the amount they had to initially risk entering the position.
We examined how traders can utilize price action to trade trends in the article, Using Price Action to Trade Trends. The image below, taken from the article, shows how traders can look to buy after this ‘higher-low’ was made in the up-trend.
Price action can be used to enter positions in trending markets
Three Ways to Trade Support and Resistance
But what if the market isn’t displaying a bias?
If the market is ranging, traders can still utilize price action to look at risk-efficient ways of entering trades and positions. We examined this topic in-depth in the article How to Analyze and Trade Ranges with Price Action.
In the image below, we illustrate how traders can use price action along with support and resistance to build a range-strategy in a market devoid of any significant trends:
Price action can also be used to enter trades in ranging markets
Three Ways to Trade Support and Resistance
--- Written by James Stanley
source : dailyfx.com